Though the word tempt, from tento, signifies no more than to prove or try, yet as it is now generally used to imply a solicitation to evil, in which way God never tempts any man, it would be well to avoid it here. God did tempt Abraham - The original here is very emphatic: אברהם את נסה והאלהים vehaelohim nissah eth Abraham, "And the Elohim he tried this Abraham " God brought him into such circumstances as exercised and discovered his faith, love, and obedience. Abraham returns and dwells at Beer-sheba, Genesis 22:19 hears that his brother Nahor has eight children by his wife Milcah, Genesis 22:20 their names, Genesis 22:21-23 and four by his concubine Reumah, Genesis 22:24. The angel of the Lord calls to Abraham a second time, Genesis 22:15 and, in the most solemn manner, he is assured of innumerable blessings in the multiplication and prosperity of his seed, Genesis 22:16-18. A ram is offered in the stead of Isaac, Genesis 22:13 and the place is named Jehovah-jireh, Genesis 22:14. Having arrived at mount Moriah he prepares to sacrifice his son, Genesis 22:9, Genesis 22:10 and is prevented by an angel of the Lord, Genesis 22:11, Genesis 22:12. Affecting speech of Isaac, Genesis 22:7 and Abraham's answer, Genesis 22:8. He prepares, with the utmost promptitude, to accomplish the will of God, Genesis 22:3-6. He is commanded to offer his beloved son Isaac for a burnt-offering, Genesis 22:2. The faith and obedience of Abraham put to a most extraordinary test, Genesis 22:1.