Last but not least, if you need help or support for this release, feel free to drop by #helios16-support channel on CaptZeen discord. can be used for communications about this release of Helios. The BlueFinBima fork of Helios will shortly be retired so anyone forking this repo should switch to HeliosVirtualCockpit/Helios or consider joining the development team. Tutorials about creating profiles can be viewed. Your first stop for Helios profiles for DCS should be Capt Zeen ( )Ī (short) basic overview of Helios can be viewed on Īnd a video tutorial demonstrating Installing Helios for beginners is here * New Feature: DCS Interface support for Capt Zeen export modules The training missions put you in the cockpit with a virtual instructor and it.
* New Feature: Multiple DCS Locations to Update This is a review of the DCS A-10C Warthog updated to DCS World 1.2.0. For those wishing to see a video of some of the changes, the following link will be of interest. Note that order of the sections described here does not necessarily match the order in the file.
This release is a major new revision of Helios Virtual Cockpit. The original file can be found here, but has been stripped of the helpful descriptions included in ED's original file for the full default file built into DCS, you can look in your DCS install directory to find DCS World\Config\View\a. DCS P-51D Default Keyboard Bindings Modi er Notation Right Windows rW-Left Windows W-Right Control rC-Left Control C-Right Alt rM-Left Alt M. Gadroc donated his code to the open source community and this code is currently delivered from the HeliosVirtualCockpit team Fixed some EB and CC cockpit labels which appeared blank in EN and ES.

Helios was originally created by Craig "Gadroc" Courtney. DCS World Changelog and Updates of Open Beta - Official Updates - ED Forums. It is also possible to run the Helios cockpit on a remote PC. Many people use a touch screen monitor with their virtual cockpits. Helios profiles can be created to allow you to simulate switches, knobs, gauges and more complex instruments which can then be mapped into DCS to give you a much improved combat pilot experience. With Helios, you can create virtual cockpits, which allow you to increase your immersion in your favourite combat aircraft. P-51 Cockpit Recreated With Help Of Local Makerspace 22 Comments by: Dan Maloney JanuIt’s surprisingly easy to misjudge tips that come into the Hackaday tip line. Release 1.6 is a major improvement over Helios 1.4 and the release has only made it to release by the Heroic efforts of derammo and his band of merry testers (you know who you are). Helios is a virtual cockpit simulator system for aircraft in the DCS World.